Company:  Vedomi Hydrogen Ltd
Address:  Gartenstrasse 7
Country:  6300 Zug/Switzerland
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Privacy Policy

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Cookie Policy
In order for our website to work to your satisfaction, dear visitor, and to enable us to make further improvements to the site for enhancing your experience, our website needs to store a small amount of information on your computer or mobile device – Cookies. Over 90% of all websites use this practice, but according to applicable laws, we are required to obtain your consent before storing Cookies. By using our website, you agree to the use of Cookies.

What is a Cookie?
A Cookie is information stored on your computer or mobile device by the website you visit. Cookies usually store your website settings, such as preferred language or geographic location. Later, when you revisit the same website, your web browser sends back the cookies that belong to that site. This allows the website to display information tailored to your needs.

Sometimes, cookies may store information that includes personal data (such as your name or email address). However, this information can only be stored if you enable it, as websites cannot access information you have not provided and cannot access other files on your computer. Default activities of saving and sending cookies to you as a user are not visible. Nevertheless, you can change your internet browser settings and choose whether to approve or reject requests to store cookies, or automatically delete stored cookies when closing the internet browser, and so on.

How to disable cookies?
By disabling cookies, you decide whether to allow the storage of cookies on your computer or mobile device. Cookie settings can be controlled and configured in your web browser.

For information on cookie settings, choose the web browser you are using. • Chrome • Firefox • Internet Explorer 9 • Internet Explorer 7 and 8 • Opera (page in English) • Safari (page in English)

If you disable cookies, you may not be able to use some of the functionalities on our website.

What are temporary cookies?
Temporary cookies or session cookies are removed from your computer after closing the internet browser. They are used by websites to store temporary data.

What are permanent cookies?
Permanent or stored cookies remain on your computer after closing the internet browser. They are used by websites to store data, such as login names and passwords, so you don’t have to log in every time you visit a frequently accessed website. Permanent cookies can remain on your computer for days, months, or even years.

What are first-party cookies?
First-party cookies come from the website you are viewing and can be either permanent or temporary. Using these cookies, websites can store data that will be reused during your next visit.

What are third-party cookies?
Third-party cookies come from advertisements of other websites present on the website you are viewing. Using these cookies, websites can track internet usage for marketing purposes.

Does the web Vedomi Hydrogen use cookies?
Yes, primarily to provide you with a better user experience.

Are there third-party cookies on the website?
There are several external services that store limited cookies for users. These cookies are not set by this website, but some are essential for certain features that facilitate user access to content. Currently, we enable:

• Social networks Users can log in and register through their own Facebook accounts. Also, sharing articles on social networks sets cookies for the user.

• Visitor measurement Web Vedomi Hydrogen uses the service for measuring visitors, Google Analytics. If you want to prevent these services from storing cookies, you can do so at the following link: Google Analytics –

Additional information about disabling cookies Currently, there are several websites for disabling the storage of cookies for various services.

You can find more information on the following links:

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Company Information

Vedomi Hydrogen Ltd
Gartenstrasse 7, 6300
Vedomi Fueling GmbH,
Königsallee 14, 40212 Düsseldorf/Germany